Sunday Security

Senior Product Designer (2021 - 2023)
Project Overview
Sunday's mission is to Secure your organization by safeguarding individuals from hacking attempts, preserving your company's reputation, and bolstering enterprise-wide cybersecurity defenses.
My Contributions
Designed the APP from scratch, as well as a design system.
A Customer Journey Map was created to visualize the interaction between the product and its users.
Structured and organized content using an Information Architecture. Created User Flows to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience. Closely collaborated with the development, marketing, and product teams.

Case study

Sunday's App
Sunday Security identified a crucial issue among its users -
a lack of clarity on addressing security issues in their personal accounts.
Users were unsure of what needed fixing and were left stranded after receiving their security check up result.

This problem was apparent to us after talking to our users. We began by showing the user the security criteria he had set for himself. As if you were examining the results of a blood test and trying to figure out what is wrong with them. It was something we thought would make a difference, so we did it. If only people saw their security blood results. But then we realized that our users didn't know what to do once they saw the result.
Initial Assumption and User Flow Challenges:
At the project's outset, there was a fundamental assumption that once users connected their accounts and viewed their security settings, the subsequent actions required for enhancing security would be immediately apparent. This assumption formed the basis of the initial user flow. However, this premise revealed itself as a significant challenge during the early stages of the project. The team observed that users, upon viewing their security settings, did not possess a clear understanding of the necessary steps to address identified issues. The initial flow relied heavily on users independently deciphering the security landscape, akin to expecting them to interpret a set of diagnostic results without accompanying guidance. This oversight underscored the need for a more user-friendly and instructional approach, prompting a reassessment of the entire user experience design to bridge the gap between identifying security issues and guiding users through the resolution process. The subsequent solution, the introduction of a wizard-driven framework, emerged as a transformative element to rectify this initial challenge, ensuring that users not only recognized security concerns but also had actionable guidance to navigate and resolve them effectively.
The original flow before the changes were made
The primary goal was to empower users to take proactive steps in resolving security issues. While users recognized the problem, they lacked guidance on the necessary actions. The aim was to create a framework that not only highlighted security concerns but also guided users through the remediation process, drawing an analogy to interpreting medical test results.
To bridge the gap between identifying security issues and taking corrective actions,
Sunday Security implemented a comprehensive solution.
The team designed and implemented a wizard within the app,
which functioned as a guiding companion for users. This wizard conducted a thorough scan of user accounts, pinpointed security problems, and then provided step-by-step instructions for resolution. 
Now, It was possible for our users to solve each problem individually according to their own preferences.
1. User-Centric Approach:
Conducted user research to understand their pain points and expectations.
Utilized Customer Journey Mapping to visualize the interaction between users and the app.
Created User Flows to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience.

2. Design System and Information Architecture:
Developed a design system to maintain consistency across the web platform and app.
Structured and organized content using an Information Architecture to enhance accessibility and user understanding.

3. Collaboration and Integration:
Worked closely with development, marketing, and product teams to align design with functionality and business objectives.
Ensured a cohesive and integrated approach to enhance the overall user experience.
The wizard

Scanning Account & reviewing vulnerabilities

This intuitive tool empowers users by conducting a thorough scan of their accounts,
identifying potential security vulnerabilities with precision and efficiency.
The wizard not only simplifies the often complex process of security assessment but also goes a step further by providing a detailed review of identified vulnerabilities.
Users are guided through a seamless journey, receiving clear and actionable insights into potential threats, allowing them to make informed decisions about securing their digital presence.
This innovative approach not only enhances user awareness of potential risks but also ensures a proactive and user-friendly experience in addressing and mitigating cybersecurity concerns.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
The implementation of the wizard-driven solution yielded significant positive outcomes:

User Engagement:
Achieved a threefold increase in the number of tasks solved compared to the previous period.
Users provided valuable feedback, indicating enhanced satisfaction with the app.

2. Business Impact:
Contributed to customer acquisition and increased sales.
Improved understanding of user needs, especially among individuals not traditionally associated with security matters.

3. Enhanced Accessibility:
The redesign made security management accessible to a broader audience, not limited to security professionals.
Here is the flow of the app after the crucial change - Adding the wizard to help users resolve security issues
Lessons Learned
The project highlighted the importance of not just identifying issues but guiding users through the resolution process. The metaphorical "wizard" not only simplified the complex task of securing personal executive accounts but also contributed to increased user engagement and business growth.
Future Directions
Continued user feedback and iterative design processes will be essential for further refining the app's capabilities. Consideration should be given to expanding features and functionalities to address emerging security challenges and evolving user needs.

By combining user-centric design principles, collaboration across teams, and a commitment to continuous improvement, the Sunday Security App Redesign successfully addressed the initial problem and positioned the app as a valuable tool in the realm of personal executive account security.